Question for Luc:
I enjoyed your Paleodiet post, but little mention has been made thus far
on this list about the practices of raw fooders such as myself of soaking
overnight and/or sprouting seeds, nuts, or even grains to neutralize the
anti-nutritive factors (chiefly digestive enzyme inhibitors, I
understand) contained in these foods.  Given that humans have not always
had fire under control, it would seem to me that the discovery of this
method of neutralizing plant toxins could easily have pre-dated the use
of fire.  This method offers a "best of both worlds" scenario to my mind
since the anti-nutritive factors are neutralized without the production
of the carcinogens created by firing the starches (in the case of grains,
for example).  I admit I have not tried this method with tubers, however,
and wonder whether there might be something to gain from doing it with
them too.  Any comment?

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])