<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I'm somewhat new to this, I am fairly certain I have celiac. I am seeing
yet another doctor on sept 8 for tests, at least this doctor was
reccomended by a local celiac support group, so I feel like I stand a
chance here. I ve been reading up on all the faq's etc and have a few

 I have started on eliminating gluten from my diet starting this past
week and already feel better, I figured since I am seeing the doctor in
10 days this would not be a problem. Will this affect the serum and
biospy tests?

 I travel to Orlando Fl a lot, any restruants that are aware of celiac?

 is wasabi GF?

 Is there any kind of database or list regarding what prescription drugs
are GF?

Thank you all, this list is a great source of info

David Goodman