<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wrote this yesterday:

>        I just got off the phone with Reckitt and Colman Inc. (BTW, thanks
>for posting the 800 number) and spoke to a very kind gentleman in their
>quality assurance department.  He states that their mustard powder,
>"Coleman's English Mustard," is 100% ground mustard seed and nothing else.
>He further stated that all French's mustard products (Coleman's and
>French's are affiliated here in the states) are gluten free!

        And when I got home I had a message from the same fellow at
Coleman's product safty division.  He had called back with a revision of
his first statement.  And, he just this minute called again to make sure I
got the first message.  So......
        Apparently the powdered mustard product here in the states (in the
small cans) is mostly packaged over in the UK and CAN CONTAIN WHEAT FLOUR!
He further states that they do make mustard powder here in the states that
IS gluten free, but it is packaged in restaruant sized tins and sold to
        He said that he is still investigating but for the time being to
assume that the powdered mustard is NOT SAFE.  I did politely suggest to
him that perhaps they would consider packaging their pure and wheatfree
product for sale here in the states, since it is manufactured here in the
first place, and he said he would check into that too.  He said he will
call me again when he is very certain of all his facts.
        I am so sorry to have mislead you all, but I must say that I am
surely appreciative of this gentleman's (and ultimately Coleman's)


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\*/\*[log in to unmask] \*/\*/\*/ Southern California \*/\*/ _@v
@-@--,          Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders
  <                             than the arguments of its opposers.
   ~                              -  William Penn   -