<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My niece Valerie has lost 15lbs in the last two weeks.  Her bowels are
black and gritty.  Immediately after she eats whey or a dairy product she
has to go to the bathroom, and for several times afterward.  She's
depressed and walks around as if she were sedated.

What can we do?  Besides the obvious not feeding her the dairy products.
Is there something she can take to alleviate her symptoms?  My wife doesn't
want to take her to the ER for fear of a biopsy or something equally

My wife is a diagnosed celiac and we have 4 children self-diagnosed as
celiac as well as a nephew and niece (Valerie) are self-diagnosed.

Is there anything we can do?  This has been going on for a couple of weeks,
and we just found out 2 days ago about the allergic reaction to dairy.  She
feels miserable.
Please if anyone has any ideas, email me.


Lynda in CT