>>Oh, in some post  there was a reference to someone eating fats/oils to their
>>benefit. But the reason I'm including this here is:
>>Lipids are absorbed by the intestine BEFORE the liver processes most of  the
>>rest of the food.  The type of lipids you eat are largely accepted as they
>>are, not converted to "human" fats.  AND this direct acceptance means that
>>the liver does not detox the fat before it enters the body.  THEREFOR IT IS
>>I think its true that raw amino acids can also be absorbed directly thru the

Dear Lynton ORF,
>I'd be curious to know your source of info on the above absorption of fats.
>I've never heard that before and it does raise the question of quality and
>rawness IMO. I once had a vision of a swimming pool filled with
>cold-pressed olive oil and I run out on the diving board and take a big
>jump and swim in it! Is that an instincto message coming through?

My apologies for taking so long before replying, Shiela - I had to find the
reference !
Anyhow, here it is:
"Detoxification & Healing: The Key to Optiomal Health" 1997 Sidney MacDonald
Baker, MD. Keats Publishing Inc., New Canaan Connecticut.   ISBN 0-87983-709-8
quoting from the book:
"...dietary fats enter the fat stores and cell membranes without being
altered.  If you eat chicken fat, your fat reflects the fatty acid
composition of the chicken.  If you were to eat only fat from olive oil,
then your body's fat composition would reveal the distinctive proportions of
the main fatty acids in olives."
"After you swallow your food, the fats and oils are separated from the
carbohydrate and protein as they pass through the upper part of the
intestine.  The carbohydrate, which is broken down into sugars, and the
protein, which is broken down into amino acids, pass into the liver where
they can be monitored for any properties that are foreign to your nature and
altered accordingly.  The fatty acids in the fat you eat go by an entirely
different route directly from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.
This path consists of a vessel which delivers all the fats and oils of your
meal directly to a large blood vessel at the base of the neck just below the
collar bone."

He goes on to say how the important EFA's (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic
acid) cannot be made by the body and must be taken from our food.  (this
could be one reason why fruitarian diets don't work so well in the long run).

Hope this is some help,