Dariusz ROZYCKI wrote:
> I don't suppose animals visualize foods either.  They likely go by smell
> and taste.  Though they must equally likely manage to develop some sort
> of mental pictures for foods they might prefer

I read that cats if fed in a yellow dish with a an empty blue dish nearby
will always look in  the yellow dish. If the food is put in the blue dish
and both dishes are sealed, the cat will chose the yellow dish.

I find I am using sight to choose food more and more. I think about a
piece of tuna or salmon or mackeral and make a choice before I even go to
the store. Of course, it's somewhat based on whether the fish tasted good
the last time I ate it, so I can't be sure it's a visual choice. A
visual image can make my mouth water. It should be as valid for instincts
as taste and smell.

My best, Ellie