From: Dariusz ROZYCKI <[log in to unmask]>
> Is there any point to sticking to the Schaeffer's sequences of meals?
> Suppose that either your lunch or your evening meal do not include any
> proteins per se, would you then be sort of overeating on the other food
> groups to actually feel satisfied and able to end the meal?  Surely, our
> ancestors weren't concerned about sequences.

It can work, because your body has the ability to _store_ (glycogen in
the liver and the muscles, etc.), BUT it is very easy too exceed your
storage capacity (especially with fruits).

> Also (again, based on Schaeffer's book -- I don't know what other authors
> say on this), should one really try to stop when taste is neutral with
> fruits and wait until it's bad with veggies?

As I have said already, it's a trick to avoid overconsumption of fruits.
But as Kirt as remarked, the worst idea of instincto is to eat until the
stop. If you have 2 kg of bananas, you don't need to eat all of them.
The alternative is:

1) if they smell/taste good: eat (say) at most 3 of them.
2) if not, do not eat.

In the first case, of course, if the taste become neutral after the 1st
banana, then don't eat a second one. But, even if the 3rd one is still
pleasant, your don't need to eat a 4th one. Tomorrow is another day,
and the next meal is another meal. If your needs haven't been covered
by your 3 bananas, then they will tomorrow, or in a few days, or in a few
weeks. After a few months of instincto, you  won't anyway have huge
nutritional needs.

> Whether all fruits I eat have been made to taste better is very
> questionable to me

Try to eat 2kg of blueberries or of passion fruits (they are not wild, but
still close to wild), and you will see if they are so pleasant. Or
try apples from an appletree which hasn't been grown for its fruits,
and you will see if you are able to swallow one mouthful.


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