On Wed, 13 Aug 1997, Walter Semerenko wrote:
> teeth remained intact, and that he outlived his 25 wives.  Quite
> amazing!  The chinese man was an herbalist and advocated eating garlic,
> drinking ginseng tea.

Indeed, Walter, 25 wives is quite an accomplishment...  ;)

> theories on aging.  They were already mentioned by the other poster.  I
> think that the antioxidants can slow the biological countdown.  Also, as
> in the case with the chinese man, there may be a spiritual (or whatever
> you want to call it) component that prolongs live.  Breathing
> excercises/meditation can prolong life.  I read Paul Bragg's book on
> fasting, and he mentioned that when he went to India, he was surprised
> at an old man who had no grey hair.  He asked him what the secret was,
> and the man told him breathing.

Hmm... <inhale now>  Breathing might have some to do with it, but chances
are it was done on a much more unconcious level by our ancestors in the
old days.  Haven't seen any wild animals doing breathing exercises lately
either, so...

But it might be a little more of an actual "exercise" (a term usually
meant to describe a good thing for your body, I would assume) when done
in India than here, in Canada or the States - their air is a little
more... flexible.

> Watch it, Jean-Louis, because your paradigm just may be shot in the
> future. ;-)  Life Extention Foundation (http://www.lef.org) has the
> ambitious goal of conquering aging by the year 2020.  At the moment they
> are doing this by research in the areas of vitamins, minerals,
> antioxidants, phytochemicals, hormones.  I don't think this will
> ultimately do it.  As Dr. Weil coined the term "intergrated medicine", I
> believe that conquering aging will be possible by using integrative
> medicine which combines ancient practices (yoga, meditation, etc) with
> new medical discoveries (antioxidants, hormone replacement).  As far as
> obtaining immortality, I don't know, but it would be interesting to see
> when the year 2020 rolls around. :-)

The people in charge of this research better hurry to make themselves
immortal if they ever want to finish it...

God, science is becoming so boring and outdated...

> As for me, I'd like to live past 120, so I'm starting to plan now.  I'm
> just going to assume that nothing tragic happens like getting capped by
> a gansta, or dying in a car wreck, or if the "end of the world" occurs
> anytime soon. :-)

> Walter.
> (a big thinker)

Well, getting in touch with your instincts might be a good start.  Once
you do that, you should spend the rest of your 90-100 (of the 120) years
getting other people to get in touch with their insticts. This way, you
can make yourself immortal.  This the kind of immortality I am looking
for; and possibly the only one there can be.  ;)

Have a nice one Walter...