> Re: ethical, spiritual views to be a vegetarian

I quote from yourself (the "myth and reality" article):

>However, the spiritual and ethical factors
>used as a basis for vegetarianism, are not addressed here. Some of these
>factors include: not wanting to kill for food, not wanting to harm other
>creatures unnecessarily, wanting your food to be offered to you with love,

I can understand your "not wanting to harm other creatures unnecessarily",
but not your "wanting your food to be offered to you with love". In what
sense do you think that food is offered to you with love when you have
mung beans at lunch? I agree that there is no hatred, but absence of
hatred doesn't imply presence of love. Moreover, killing doesn't necessarily
involves hatred. Of course, humans kill each other because of anger, jealousy,
greed or whatever, but animals are usually killed without such bad emotions.

BTW, what are the other (good) reasons for being a vegetarian?

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