>Those of you who are interested by the personality of Mr Comby can ask
>Peter to put on the list those messages which, on behalf of my
>ill-intentions vis a vis Comby, he deemed not objective .

On the contrary, I would ask Peter _not_ to post any of your writing which
he deemed inappropriate and say to Peter: THANK YOU for moderating.

>I would not have written  this message had not Peter naively considered
>the lies of Comby  as an expression of his "frankness". I have tried to
>put up the case in a way that is as "unemotional",  as "detached",  i.e. as
>"american", as is possible for me to do , taking into account how dear
>these ideas are to my mind, and how sad I'm to realize that these ideas
>hopefully hold much more positive prospects  than the self declared
>european leaders  of this movement .

Don't worry, Denis, no one takes every post as Truth (especially not yours
I'd imagine). It appears to me that you may be a greater victim of GCB than
you consider Mr. Cromby (or is Mr. Cromby simply wayward IYO?). Obsessing
for seven years with finding obscure historical precedents for instincto as
a way of doing in GCB seems beyond reason. One could ask you the same
question Peter asked Bruno: if you knew so much, as you always seem to on
every issue, why didn't you go to the authorities (instead of hiding in
your love of history)?

That's a rhetorical question.
