
> Mentioned below is 'raw-veg list'. Does such a list exist? If so, is it just
> as fun as this List? How might I subscribe?

There are 2 other raw food lists:

1)"veg-raw": subscribe by sending and e-mail to [log in to unmask] with
the following text in the body of the e-mail:

                  subscribe veg-raw <your-email-address>

The list is (lightly) moderated. Its basic goal is to promote discussions
about  raw/live vegetarian foods and natural hygiene. The volume is pretty
low, so don't be surprised if you don't receive any e-mail for several days.

2) "raw" is unmoderated. Subscribe by sending e-mail to
[log in to unmask] with the following text in the body of the

                  subscribe raw <your-email-address>

The volume there is pretty high. There are a few excellent contributions,
as well as a few crazies and a few "zealots". A vast majority of
messages are from raw vegetarians, and it is very difficult to send
posts about animal food without being criticized. Thus, that list
may be more suited to vegetarians, but on the other hand, is somewhat
polluted by zealotry.


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