Here's something to experiment with: an Almond nut butter recipe:

 fresh, ORF almonds
 phytase digestive enzyme powder (loose or in capsules)
 digestive micro-flora (acidopholus, etc) (loos or in capsules)

(1) grind nut to fine ( I use a vitamix, so I find I need to add some filter
water to keep the grinding action going)
(2) on real slow,  mix in a few capsules of phytase and one of bacteria, or
(this mixing can be done by hand)
(3) let it stand for several hours or a day
(you may need to monitor it to see that its not unduly affected by
environmental conditions where you are).

smell : if you start drooling,
taste : chew it, savour the tastes as your saliva begins to work on it in
your mouth
if you must, swallow.
repeat until either you're satisfied or there is no more.

Let me know how you get on.

regards and happy eating, :>))