> Lynton:
> Really interesting!  How did you get rid of the tapeworm ?

I just took a pill of "Tredemine" (TM) on my doctor's advice, and it
went out a few hours later, completely dead.

I would advise anyone who is scared about parasites to read a book on
medical parasitology. Most parasites we are exposed to (in non-tropical
countries) are innocuous and/or have efficient treatments against

> I also eat raw fish on occasion, despite the possible problems.  I just
> think that a person should make an educated decision about these things,
> don't you agree?

Sure. Anyone should be informed of the benefits and possible dangers, and
then make an appropriate and informed decision. I know that there are
nonzero chances that I will die in a plane crash, but nevertheless I
judge for myself that the risk is small enough. Anyone is however free
to chose to remain in his/her own country.

P.S. Apparently, the discussions about eating animals have upset some
ex-subscribers. I understand that perfectly, and agree that the
volume on that issue shouldn't be disproportionately high, but it's
up to the vegetarians of this list to "speak" up if they want other
issues to be discussed!

Remember that the "normal" people are not the vegetarians, nor the
100% raw omnivores, but the SADers (cooked omnivores). How can one
ask for respect, if one is not able to respect other "minorities"?

Best wishes,

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