> Is there any evidence from long term instinctos that deficiencies result
> because of too few vegetables? As long as I am eating RAF, perhaps my
> instincts are correct that I do not need many vegetables. I think the too
> much fruit problem is an addiction to mutant sugars in genetically
> altered fruits we get. I'm using honey as a substitute for natural sugar
> and eating less fruit. I still worry a bit about vegetables and take a
> Mighty Green supplement, but somehow I think I am worrying too much, as
> long as I get some veggies when I find them attractive.

RAF aren't really a substitue for veggies, IMO.  And surely, not all
fruits one eats are genetically altered (possibly, a good many of them
aren't - even if inorganic).

Instead of taking supplements, why not just juice a glass of celery,
carrots or whatever on a daily basis.  It's much easier to swallow, I'm sure.