>I've become somewhat interested and even attracted by what instinctive
>eating has to offer.  Would anyone care to point out books or other
>material on instinctive eating that would be suitable for a starter.
>I'm particularly interested and uncertain of how one would go about
>finding/buying, preparing and consuming raw meats or fish. A book that
>got you started in it, maybe?

Bob posted such a list last week. The archives have several detailed posts
about eating raw animal foods--search for "RAF"

>A question for everyone: what are the rawists main arguments against
>instinctos and vice-versa?  Are there any obvious drawbacks to
>instinctive eating (finding the right foods like meats or fish, or eggs;
>the prices, etc.)?

One big problem is overeating fruit. Another is difficulty in finding
"instincto-quality" animal foods. Again, the archives have lots of debate
on the subject.
