>>the official Instincto answer :-) is that your body looses its
>>tolerance to the toxins in cooked food. So it reacts much stronger.
>>This will happen to you over and over again as your body gets more and
>>more sensitive do denaturated stuff.

>This puzzles me. If a substance becomes increasingly foreign to such a
>pure body as ORKOS instinctos have, why would it cause such a bad
>reaction? Why wouldn't the immune system simply do away with it.

>The whole bit about big reactions as proof of purity seems a bit much
>to me.

And to me. There was a time, when I believed that too. I changed my
mind. After loosing tolerances one might be still poisoned enough
to have strong reactions if experimenting with cooked food in this time.
But in the long run I would expect a healthy instincto to have such a
strong immune system, that it easily can handle one pound of the worst
cooked stuff that's thinkable. And "handle" means: silently process,
without the owner of the body even noticing it - perhaps feeling only
95% good on this day, instead of 100%.

In fact, I watch, that my body tends to overcome miscombinations faster
and faster and with weaker and weaker complaints. They are mostly
thrown out (I reported about mackerel and olives) without much symptoms.

Well, I can't speak for cooked food currently, but some miscombinations
mimic cooked food quite good: sugar+protein+hydrochloric acid should
result in maillard molecules.

Dariusz, Avocados are botanically fruits, but nutritionally they are
fat and protein, so should not be eaten together with fruits.

Anyway, sometimes I will undertake the experiment of eating a cooked
meal. But it will be a paleo-meal: neither dairy, nor grains, nor pro-
ducts created from these two.
I heard (third hand information), that long-term instinctos are able
to eat a fully cooked meal and have nearly no problems. That's what
I think is really health: if your body has large capacities, to over-
come an intoxification.
Of course, if you overdo it by frequently exceeding its capabilities,
there will be symptoms then.
But we speak of exceptions here, not of frequent intoxification.

By the way, I have indirectly stated here, that I consider cooked
food to be toxic. Ooooops! :-)

Best raw instinctive wishes,
