>Method #3--cut 2mm diameter hole in large end of egg with pocket knife & 1 cm
>diam hole in small end, invert egg, large hole down & place mouth (open, with
>head atrtached) beneath large hole & gently pull the contents of the shell
>into oral orifice, chew & swallow if tasting delicious.

>I've eaten over a thousandr aw fertile free-range chicken eggs & a few dozen
>duck & quail eggs this way since '94.  Occurance of stop has varried from one
>egg to 20.  Interesting journey.

>Y'know, with Instinctos, it's sometimes hard to tell when they're joking.
> Even with emoticons.  :-)

I'm joking now ;) Only instinctos could come up with so many methods and
complex directions for eating a raw egg. Sometimes I wonder if y'all just
miss having recipes ;)
