In a message dated 97-08-04 20:10:11 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Peter
Brandt) writes:

 I can be of the opinion that everybody who believes in the limitations of
 gravity are negative fools but that will not protect me if decide in a fit
 of positive exuberance to jump off a ten story building. :-)

But wouldn't it protect you for the first nine?

 >Just imagine any other female mammal having PMS symtoms in the wild. It
would be killed very fast and these genes would have no chance
to survive. So I suppose that PMS is no natural thing.

Know why it takes five women with PMS to change a light bulb?


PS--Ellie & Stefan, I'm not ignoring your biomagnetic questions, just
thinkin' on 'em!  Will report.