>It is certainly true that "transition" types do not appear in

>and that problem is discussed in many books about Evolution. It is

>absolutely not a refutation of the theory.

I guess it depends how you define "transition". Since I can trace every
bone in my body back to a fish skeleton, I might interpret much of
fossil evidence as "transitional". A glance through the stunning coffee
table book below is enough to refute Mr Wolfe's idiocy. Check out the
Science section in Barnes & Noble or Borders. The story of human
origins is, of course, constantly being rewritten as new info comes to
the for, but I'm afraid wethreekings won't make the history books ;)



<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param><bigger>Review from Scientific


by Donald Johanson and Blake Edgar

Principal photography by David Brill

Simon & Schuster Editions, 1996 ($50)

Open this book and take history into your hands: the 137 years since
Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" and the four million years
since the appearance of the first direct hominid ancestors. Donald
Johanson and Blake Edgar pull the reader in with a riveting overview of
modern anthropology. Then they step back and review the fossil sequence
that leads up to Homo sapiens, pointing out the forms that document the
evolutionary changes. All the players are here, including the famed
Australopithecus afarensis "Lucy" (discovered by Johanson in 1974), H.
ergaster and H. heidelbergensis, whose mixture of traits boldly refutes
creationism. The photographic documentation is as gorgeous as it is
meticulous: the ancient bones, glowing against matte-black backgrounds,
look chillingly frail and familiar.--Corey S. Powell


Kirt Nieft / Melisa Secola