Hi Peter,

you wrote:
>Is killing an animal violence because force is used, because the animal
>has a nervous system and therefore in you opinion suffers or because
>another life is being ended? To me violence means somebody's rights or
>integrity are being violated, and I do not see this being the case when
>killing an animal for food or even when picking a peach from a tree. Is
>the chimp violating the termites by eating them? - I think not. They
>are there to serve the chimp and visa versa.

I pick your definition and claim, that a kill violates the bodily inte-
grity of a living being. Also you are terminating possible social rela-
tionships, the being might live in. This may cause harm to the other
members of the society. You are violating them indirectly then.
Does that suffice?

Best peaceful regards,

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