We're moving to Hawaii in a few days, so I will be offline for an unknown
period of time... I'll probably be unsubbing tomorrow or the next day, but
I wanted to share a story that just happened this AM.

I accidently cut my big toe to the bone with a very sharp knife while doing
some packing. The amount of blood was pretty dramatic and we decided to get
the stitches it appeared were needed. Waiting in the medical center I began
to wonder if it wasn't an overreaction to go there--the bleeding had
stopped (thanks to some duct tape) and there was never any pain whatsoever.
Anyway, the doc says it needs stitches or it would continually reopen
because of the depth and location.

So here comes with the tetanus shot (which I find out later also had
diptheria) after I protested but not enough I guess--they were claiming
they wouldn't let me leave without it. And now with the "lidocaine" into
the wound. I'm thinking just stitch it it can't hurt and asked about that
but he assures me it would hurt too much. (I briefly think of our online
friend who's always bragging about his dental work sans aenesthetic, but
then I remember everything else about him and don't really want to belong
to _that_ club.)

So prickle prickle into the cut with a couple cc's of this lidocaine and
like a wave its coming up my legs, I get sick to my stomach, then lay back
and I'm convulsing, can't breathe--I found out later there was a pretty
good puddle of blood from my toe during this time--and think I lost
conscioiusness for a moment. Then its over (maybe 10 seconds) and I'm
sweating pretty good and then I'm fine. Of course, they won't let me out
until three EKG's later (free at least, for cash customers like myself who
they almost off ;)). Anyway, I get the stitches and that's that. The whole
thing was probably harder on Melisa to watch (BTW, her PG is A-OK) than for
me to experience. It was, like,  a real rush, man. ;)

I did have novacaine as a child during two sets of stitches and typical
dental work. The last time I had one of the "-caine" drugs was probably 12
years ago when four wisdom teeth were extracted--well before raw. All no
problem. I have only had two small cavities in the last decade which were
both filled w/o shots or gas. So I said I wasn't allergic as far as I knew
when they asked. I guess I am now, eh?

I was stupid to let them have at me with the needles, but how much of a
scene would  I have been willing to make (especially since I didn't think
it was any big deal)? I don't know, but I guess I will be a heck of a lot
more conservative about it in the future. Of course, now that I have a
seisure story I'll have plenty of ammo to fight off the shots with--or will
there just be different shots?

In any case, I'm not sure I like being so vulnerable to a little
painkiller. If this is supposed to be a sign of raw purity I'm not so sure
I want it, you know? I don't know.

Later and cheers,