In a message dated 97-08-02 20:51:29 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Peter
Brandt) writes:

> My opinion of Clinton is not much higher than yours.

I take that as good omen. :-)

> I find your mentor, Frederick Mann, who regretfully has left us - hopefully
>just  for his Summer vacation - to carry his radical opinions with a little more
 >grace than yourself.

No offense taken,  Frederick carries & expresses his opinions with MUCH more
grace than I've learned ... & I'm still workin' on it!  :-)

 > L'Express & "Liberation" are about as far from the "Enquirer" as I am
 likely to be joining the patriot movement any time soon. :-) - and a good
 example of what I have been trying to point out: You make these
 publications "bad" because they have taken on your "genius" G.C.Burger who
 is "good."

You're completely right on that one.  I judged those publications with ZERO
evidence other than what I've read here.  OOPS.  :-(

 >If you cannot see the irony in somebody so privileged as yourself grabbing
 every opportunity to go on about how terrible and unfree the living
 conditions are in this country as if you were living in some Russian Gulag,
 I do not know what more to say. If you were a farmer whose farm had just
 been repossessed by the credit company or an unskilled, unemployed laborer
 living in a trailer park outside a little dirt town in Texas, I might be
 able to relate to your on-going frustrations a little better. ;-)

The USA is probably the most free place remaining to live, 'tho many folks I
respect disagree ... and have left.  MY point is that all that's necessary
for us to lose that freedom is to do nothing & allow the policies of folks
like the Clintons to erode & destroy those freedoms.  I love this country &
its greatest enemy right now is our government.

 >Peter, I acknowledge you for your keen mind & deeply appreciate the time
 >you've taken responding to my off-subject political drivel.  AND, those
 >emoticons really help!! Some of that stuff was pretty heavy-duty * each
 time one of >your ;-) 's showed up, my up-tight mind relaxed a bit & I
 >yeah, this is my friend, Peter, contributing to my life.  I appreciate you
a  lot & I thank you again for your tireless work on this list. it's a
 magnificent >contribution,

 >Thanks, for the kind words. :-) I admire your ability to step out of
 character. Part of my frustration with you is that when you express
 yourself on issues like politics, ethics and sometimes even nutrition, I
 very easily loose touch with the person I am now connecting with (the
 person behind the opinions). If you could merge these two personas a little
 better, I think we would have a lot fewer disagreements.

Thank you, Peter.  I'm learning to do that ... slowly.  in the meantime I
can't think of a more pleasant person to agree to disagree with.  You're a
masterpiece!  :-)

 On this I agree though not on what constitutes the "enemy". If you took
 some prozac and I took some "speed", maybe we would see eye to eye on this
 issue. ;-)
If that's what it takes, I'd much rather agree to disagree!  Keep on bein'

'ealth, 'appiness & freedom in moderation to ya,
