Hi Marie,

I don't feel guilty about the cravings, I just worry, what if they don't
stop, or what if I am unable to stop them. And what if I keep on giving
in to them. I don't want to undo everything I have accomplished. I don't
however completely give up on raw food just because I have been giving
in to cravings. I still eat as much raw fruits and veggies as I can,
along with some bread. Plus I tasted carrot juice the other day, and I
loved it and will be getting a juicer as soon as we have the money for

Has anyone heard of 'Broccoflour'? It is part broccoli and part
cauliflour, and the flowery part is purple. It tastes good, but I wonder
since it wasn't natural, if it is healthy? (Genetically engineered
stuff) I've been eating more raw broccoli and cauliflour lately. I find
it very fascinating to think of how much I hated the taste of cooked
cauliflour, but really love the taste of raw cauliflour. That is just

Also, when I first came on this diet, I was eating alot of grapefruits
because they just tasted so good. After a short while, it lost its
appeal to me and I stopped eating it. Well, lastnight I had one and then
had to have another, it was soooo gooood! I think maybe since I'd been
giving into cravings, that maybe I was dehydrating slightly? Maybe I
needed the juice in the grapefruit? I have been drinking more lately
than before.

Well, I am coming to think that when and if I give in to a craving, as
long as I keep the good food coming in, the cravings will gradually go
away again? And maybe if I stop resisting them so much, the craving will
weaken, since my body will think it has 'permission' to eat anything it
wants? I think that because I know that a sense of deprivation (which is
what I think a craving is when you resist it) causes the craving to get
stronger and stronger until you give in. But if you have a little of the
craved food, you take away the sense of deprivation, giving yourself
permission and then the craving, or the 'need' goes away.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these things?
