Well, I've been buying almonds for quite some time now. They were of the
inorganic, raw (bulk) variety.  Not terribly expensive.  I've been
eating them dry, and noticed no particular difference in taste
(digestibility may be a different issue) between sprouted ones and dry.
In any case, I treated myself to a small pack of ORGANIC almonds yesterday.
My God!  I recall now what an almond is actually supposed to taste like!
There is that very specific after-taste one gets with these organic
almonds (the real taste that is); something I never, ever had with the
bulk variety!  In any case, this taste brought back some old memories.
I really, truly didn't know I Was eating almonds until I had these
organic ones.

I also bought a pack of walnuts to try out (organic).  They aren't much
to my liking right now, but the taste is rather neutral, as opposed to
the shelled/unblanched or in-shell (both inorganic, as I've had them
before) sour taste I am used to from the past.

Well, organic stuff maybe be expensive, but whoever looks at me funny
when next time I buy this variety is in for a little lecturing from me.

Instinctive eating really does render one more selecting when it comes to
foods, and for obvious reasons I suppose. I just hope things won't get
completely out of hand for me any time soon.