<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am sorry this is so late in coming.  Here is the summary of laundry
detergents recommended by sensitive celiacs:

Tide (correction, one family reacts to Tide Free)
Wisk Free
Wisk Powder, Free & Clear
All Free (mentioned twice)
Palmolive Unscented Dishsoap (1/2 cup per load)
Cheer Triple Color Guard Free
All Temperature Cheer
Arm & Hammer Unscented

I thought it would be good to share the messages themselves since
people react a little differently to detergents:
I am ultra senstive and I use Tide, so far no problems with it. Sometime I
use Wisk also no problems with that. Hope this helps
I know that some celiacs are more sensitive than others, especially those
with DH. Therefore, although I don't have trouble with the mentioned
detergents, there is a company that is totally GF that sells detergent
for clothes. We received the info from the Greater Philadelphia Celiac
Association in PA. Call Shaklee Corporation at 1-800-946-0171 to get a
catalog of all there products. Tell them you have celiac disease and
would like a catalog. They sell GF vitamins, make-up, detergents,
cleaning products and a number of other GF items. Their laundry
concentrates state: A better choice for your laundry, for the enviornment
and for you. I have no connection with this company, only a celiac
patient. Hope this helps you. Cindy in NJ
I have problems similar to yours.  I use All Free detergent.  All clothes in
our household go through two complete cycles in the washing machine,
the second one without any soap.  But this has nothing to do with gluten.
 I am allergic to many chemicals in soaps, detergents, and cosmetic
products.  I am also allergic to formaldehyde, used to treat clothing in
Like you, I have trouble with processed foods, but often it is the chemical
preservatives used, not gluten.  About two years ago, I gave up most
processed foods.  I eat a few canned things, like tomatoes, but cook all
other foods from fresh ingredients.  This has improved my health a great
deal.It's our bad luck that we have to work so hard at food preparation
and ordinary personal care, but I am grateful that there are ways I can
improve my situation.
Best of luck to you
I do not believe that the detergents you mention would have any
form of gluten in them.  (I am not a scientist however! :)))))  What I
would suspect the culpret to be is the perfuming agents.  I have known
for years that I can use no form of Tide.  My mother used it for years and
then one day "New and Improved" showed up on the label and WHAMO!
I broke out into the worst itchy rash!!!  Many people are sensitive to
detergents, and especially the purfumes in them.  I have used Surf
detergent, and All Temperature Cheer(whichever was cheapest)
for many years with good results.  (they are relatively low odor and get
my clothes clean)  If you should notice that these are irritating you, you
might try the laundry disks sold in magazines.  Also, I often use baking
soda in the wash instead of bleach. It is not perfect, but it is better than
using nothing for whites, and is also non toxic to our environment. I hope
this helps you, Lynda
I am ultra sensitive, and the detergent that I use is Wisk powder, Free
and Clear, and I use less per load than called for on the box.  The
clothes still come clean and there is no or little soap residue left in the
clothes.  This is the only one that works for me.  If I am washing
something that needs a bit more cleaning power, I will add a small amount
of Borax.  I also can use Palmolive clear, for sensitive skin for washing
dishes, although if I have a lot to wash I will wear gloves.  Hope this
helps. Ellen still in Eugene, Oregon [log in to unmask]
I get sensitive to soap in clothes but I thought it was the soap rather
than gluten.  Several years ago I bought those washing disks that brag
you don't need soap at all or very little.  They don't work all that well at
actually getting clothes clean but I find they very much help at getting
soap out of the clothes.  You can get them from Real Goods, Seventh
Generation or most of the home improvement catalogs.
Also, a lot of years ago, Consumer Reports said only to use as much
soap as makes the water feel slippery to your fingers.   Sue
I myself had had this problem. I now use Palmolive unscented
dishsoap to wash my clothes.I use about a half a cup in each load
and it works wonders. Saves money too! Barbara
I am very sensitive to gluten and also have had many rashes from
 laundry detergent.  I have no idea if gluten presented to my skin effects
me or not, but I use Cheer  triple color guard FREE. I use a small
amount 1-1/2 tps / load.  We have a water softner and if you use more in
a load the rinse cycle is not clear of suds. Hope this helps
Paul, St. Paul,MN
I have no idea about your detergent question, but I thought of when
reading your post is, Have you heard of "laundry disks"?  I have not yet
bought them, but they sound great.  These disks are filled with ceramic
'beads' and they have a 'chemical/physical make-up' that when they
interact with water, it releases soils, stains, odors, etc... you do not need
detergent, but you can use a little.  I know your thinking I am nuts, but I
keep hearing great things about them.  I have seen them advertised in
Seventh Generation catalog.  I do not know the # of hand, but you can
call the 800# directory at 1-800-555-1212 and ask for their # and order a
catalog. I do not have any conection with the product or Seventh
Lori  - [log in to unmask]
I have used Wisk-Free (not on your list) for many years with no
apparent problems. Gregg
I don't know about any of the brands you listed.  My (non-celiac)
husband is VERY detergent-sensitive and the only detergent we use is
Arm and Hammer Unscented (supposedly; I have my doubts) and so
forth.  My (suspected celiac) two-year-old has no problems with it. Hope
it helps. Sherry Hintze in Newport, NC
Both my sons and I are Celiac, and the gluten in detergents, lotions,
cosmetics affect myself and them.  The only detergent that I have been
able to use is All Free.  I have onlytried the liquid, don't know about the
powder.  Also, I have tried Tide Free, but we all reacted to it. Hope this
helps. Nici in Burns,OR