<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone!

I would like to say thanks to everyone who responded to my July 15
question about doing another biopsy/gluten challenge. I can't even begin
to tell all of you how much better I feel after hearing everyone's
responses! This is still all kind of new to me and I have been feeling
depressed (that negative reading really threw me for a loop). But knowing
that quite a few of you have gone through the same thing/same feelings
really puts me at ease. Your comments all really made me smile. I thought
it was SO FUNNY how many of you said, "I hate IBS!" I can't even begin to
tell you how much hearing IBS has pained me in the last six years! I'm
seeing my doctor one last time (I've decided) just to kind of wrap things
up. And when he begins the IBS talk, I've decided to stop him short and
tell him I won't even entertain such a thought. I've decided to just stay
on the GF diet forever. I feel that it's such a small sacrifice in
exchange for feeling the way I do now. I'm amazed at how easily I now
make plans with my friends--I don't even think twice about it (or wonder
if where I'm going has adequate bathroom facilities!).

I do have one more question, though--I have been suffering quite a bit in
the last few months with nausea. I get these overwhelming waves of it and
it can be debilitating at times. This is the only thing that has been
troubling me. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Will this go away
in time? And does anyone know why it happens? I've assumed that it's
because I have eaten something bad (but I usually can't figure out what
it could be) or that I'm still malnurished.

Thanks again everyone!