<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I think it would be helpful if messages that _ask_ questions or seek
information were more readily distinguishable from messages that _answer_
questions or provide information.

For example, if a message subject line reads only "Spam," I can't tell
whether it's a question about whether Spam is gluten-free, in which case I
have no information to provide and can safely skip the message, or a message
providing information about whether Spam is gluten-free, in which case I want
to read the message because some day, in the distant future, I might crave
the stuff.

Our listowners may have a better suggestion, but, for the moment, I propose
that questions posted to the list begin their subjects with "/Q".  Further
distinctions among the responses that are definitive answers, opinions,
anecdotal evidence, rank speculation, etc., might get too complicated and
start sounding like a personal ad.  (SWM seeks S/DWF NS w/ D/W A/C W/W
carpet, P/S, AM/FM, sunroof.) Sound good?  (The suggestion, not the personal

Mike Coe
Arlington, Va.