<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

<Unfortunately this time my medial and lateral cartileges are torn , how
could this be when I have done very little sport ?? Could it be CD ??>

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a complication of CD, and has been for me. I
control it by being on a very strict diet (giving up more than most people
with CD) and with exercises.

It's hard to believe human resistance to change sometimes. People say to me,
"Tell me how you got rid of your arthritis. I'd like to get rid of mine."
When I tell them, they say, "Oh I couldn't do that."

Why is changing eating habits harder than giving up pain? I don't get it. I
don't feel superior... it's very hard for me too. Happily, now that I've been
on the diet for most of a year, I can cheat a little and get away with it.
I'll never go back to the way I used to eat. Feeling great is a wonderful

I don't know if tearing things is related to CD. But arthritis can be, and
diet can help.

Best wishes,
Mara in MA