> commercial meat, in my experience, rots much faster than
> pastured or wild meats). Probably best to avoid any cuts with visible blood
> vessels in them since the moisture inside will cause bacterial off-flavors.
> (This meat could also be lightly cooked I suppose.)

By the way, I found some commercial beef bone marrow... and it was not
bad! But I wonder if eating that is healthy. Are some parts of commercial
meat worse than others? I suppose that the liver should be avoided.
I read somewhere that toxins accumulate in the fat. Is it true? Does
that apply to the bone marrow (which is fatty) as well?
Is bone marrow "safe" regarding the issue of the "mad cow disease"?
And finally: does anyone know about the nutrition contents of the
bone marrow? Is it a more valuable part than the flesh?

Thanks for answering,

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