Thanks, Tom, for your recipe ideas!
I would love to hear any of the raw vegan meals/recipes people on the list eat.
It would be a nice addition to the list for people to share recipes or meal

Here's a salad I made today:

>From the greenmarket or health food store, the following organic ingredients:

Buckwheat greens
Sunflower greens
Juiced lime

Kelp powder
Green olives with pimentos
Herbamare organic vegetable and sea salt seasoning powder

I brought it with me to a temp job on a hot day, so I didn't add Flaxseed
oil, which I would if I were eating it at home.

>Dariusz ROZYCKI <[log in to unmask]>:
>>Inorganic foods: Are there raw fooders here that consume mostly inorganic
>>fruits/veggies? Any comments or tips for someone who does?  Should I have
>>any concerns?  Can raw-foodism exist and work well on inorganic?

I try to buy all organic except for a few products that the environmental
working group says are safe if non-organic.  This latter group includes corn
and avocados.  Certain foods are very bad if they are not organic.  The
highest on the bad list are strawberries.  Center for Science in the Public
Interest (CSPI) ran a piece on the best and worst in a recent issue of
Nutrition Action Newsletter.  I got more info on the internet at the site of
the Environmental Working Group.  (Sorry, I don't have that address handy.
It's bookmarked in my AOL software.)

Judy in NYC