>US folk tend to think height means a better nutritional intake, so
>Chinese have 'shrunk' on rice.  Others think drinking milk made for
>calves causes a growth spurt not properly human. It's all in
>   J I Rodale, founder of Organic Gardening magazine, thought any man
>taller than 5'7 (1.67m) risked stroke with heart action pushing blood to
>that height.  One should judge by overall health, not by centimeters.
>By those standards, both Japanese and Cubans are doing better than US
>folk, and Chinese probably are as well.

Before I ever got into living foods I was making observations on people. I
was teaching at an international school in South America in Chile. I
noticed that the generation of Japanese/Korean junior high students who had
grown up on the more western diet replete with more meat, chemicals,
additives, preservatives, sugars, etc. grew much taller than their parent's
generation. I felt later this was due to the effect of chemicals on the
endocrine system that stimulated growth. Any thoughts,

Kind Regards,