>Diets that include (raw) dairy, specifically milk, are not nutritionally
deficient.  >>

But, to Instinctos, they're worse:  toxic.

Yes, welcome!

Bob Wynman

<< As I see it, one serious change in child sexuality is the "march of the
 menarche" where females reach puberty at an earlier and earlier age. In
 recent hunter-gatherers (and one presumes paleolithic cultures probably)
 the onset of menstruation is around sixteen/seventeen. Documentation exists
 that the age of onset has become earlier and earlier until today, for
 "western" cultures it is around thirteen/twelve. This leaves a span of
 three important years where modern females are able to conceive but
 probably unprepared emotionally/socially to do a proper job of it. If the

A few years back in NH M2M, there was discussion re "march of the menarche &
we heard:

        1--Mebbe it's an example of "survival mode" caused by poor life choices
(like nutrition, toxins, etc.) Much like the proliferation of cones on our
pine trees after several years of drought.

        2--Reports of Puerto Rican gals averaging puberty at age 8-9.

Y'all have any info on these?

Re meta & Burger's pedophilia, I know nada; only what I've read here & brief
conversations with Bruno last year.  But, Kirt, seems like you're condemning
him as a scientist, researcher, teacher, guru, human, etc.  (eg, "Do we
really need anyone to tell us what our nature is?").  Well, yeah, SOME of us
do.  I lived over half a century on this planet (without an owner's manual
for my body) &  it took Frederick Mann to introduce me to Instinctive
Nutrition (& Burger to intro HIM) & Deborah to intro me to Shaeffer (sp?) &
Zephyr (& Burger to intro THEM to IN).  I still feel that IN is the most
significant -- & most fun -- health discovery I've made since stumbling upon
the rest of Natural Hygiene ('tho mebbe Biomagnetics will prove even more
valuable & fun?) & for that I'm greatly indebted to GC, be he deviant,
pedophile, murderer, etc.  I don't believe the planet wudda been better off
without GC.

Be independent,
