> One of the claims that one hears in raw foods is that if grain is cooked
> before being fed to animals (usually mentioned: pigs), the animals will
> gain more weight than if the grain is fed in the raw state. Supposedly
> this an argument against cooked food?  I really don't remember the precise
> point of this example. So, I thought I would ask the lists - see if
> anyone remembers what is so bad about the pigs  gaining more weight on
> cooked grain, than on raw.

Anything diet that makes some people (or animals) overweight must be
wrong. But diet is such a complicated thing, it is hard to know exactly
WHY people become overweight. Consider:

1) Many overweight Americans eat a low fat, high carb diet and however
do not lose weight.

2) Vietnamese people eat a low fat, high carb diet (a lot of rice)
and are on average much thinner.

3) Whatever the repartition of macronutrients, no raw food eater has a
serious problem of excessive weight.

Best wishes,
