On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Thomas E. Billings wrote:

> Fasting is "powerful medicine", to be taken only when needed, in the right
> dose. There is a lot of hype around fasting, and also some denial of
> reality (so common in segments of the raw movement). I have found that
> fasting creates serious cravings after the fast, causing one to overeat,
> hence no benefit from the fast. Of course, others may not have this
> problem. So, I limit my fasts to 1-2 days (2 days max), and only when it
> seems appropriate. I find I get good results simply from reducing the amount of
> food I eat (but not fasting) for a few days - i.e., it is a good alternative
> (for me) to a full, formal fast.

How do the results one gets from reducing food intake differ from
fasting?  In your case?
Is there any specific rule you follow as far as food-selection goes when
you follow this "mini-fast?"  I suppose it's all raw then, right?