In a message dated 97-07-13 15:23:59 EDT, Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]> writes:

<< I have enjoyed the recent political debates and have
 only one concern which is directed at you Bob and concerns the subject
 of political/rhetorical name-calling. I ask of you please in the future
 to refrain from calling anybody "murderers" or "fascists" who not by
 own admission or by the general public are considered to belonging to
 such categories. I am sure you will still be able to express your
 sentiments how strong they may be without having to use such language
 which might sound offensive to some sensitive ears and which rather
 than contribute to dialogue & understanding I fear is likely to further
 a polarization that we already have more than enough of in our world.
On 2nd thought, your request deserves a more clear response, 'cause I
certainly did not intend to offend anyone, so ...

Our options on using "names", "labels", seem to include:

        1--Don't use labels or names.
        2--Use only "politically correct" labels/names
        3--Use only "accurate" labels/names (if folks are offended, they can choose
to not read those parts of those posts)
        4--Use whatever you like

#1 Promotes confusion, lack of clarity, failure of communication, cognitive
dissonance & craziness.  I'm opposed & would find any media (even including
RawFood list) useless with this restriction

#2 (Your request?) promotes the same results, only worse, 'cause INACCURATE,
INAPPROPRIATE, EUPHEMISTIC, STUPID labels are used instead of NONE.  So I'm
even MORE opposed.

#3  My choice.  BUT "accurate" implies we all understand & use the same
definitions (so that in their discussion of "trunks", Stefan's not thinking
of a suitcase while Jean-Louis's thinking of a swimsuit & Ellie's thinking of
the front of an elephant) & probly there's not enough time/space in this
forum to establish all that for "off-subject" stuff like politics, economics,
philosophy & ethics?

#4  What we've & done & will continue to do regardless of any "rules" we all
agree to.  :-)

Are there other, better options?

CLARIFICATION on the two examples you offered (labelling folks "murderers" &

The definitions I used:

MURDER:  one who initiates the use of force resulting in the death of another
human who did NOT initiate the use of force.

FASCIST:  (root derived from "fascia", the bundles of sticks used as a symbol
of power in roman times)--one who advocates or lives by Fascism, which is the
system whereby government allows people to "own" the means of production, but
controls the people, the means of production & nearly every other facet of
folks' lives by myriad regulations, acts, orders, edicts, "laws", doctrines,
codicils, canons, proclamations, etc.

(as differing from COMMUNISM, where the government simply steals the means of
production from its people)  [must I define "steal" so as not to offend?]

If you're curious, I define (& if you're NOT curious, I STILL define):

        DEMOCRACY--Unlimited majority rule; the two wolves & a rabbit voting on
who's for breakfast (a VERY dangerous form of socialism 'cause we're all
taught in America to equate it with "freedom" & that America was founded as a
democracy -- it was & should still be, a Constitutional Republic.  BIG

        FABIAN--(root from "Fabius", a Roman general who won battles against
superior forces by avoiding frontal attacks & gradually overcoming the enemy
bit by bit)--A political system for GRADUALLY imposing "new" systems "so as
not to scare the horses" (the frog in warm water, gradually raised to
boiling" concept)--used by the Communists in the 10's & 20's & by the
Fascists in the last few decades--more & more regulations, controls, etc.
with the goal of eventual total control, the real intent behind the "wars on
poverty, drugs, child abuse, environmental pollution, terrorism, etc." -- all
of which produce MORE abuse, poverty, drug use, terrorism, etc. -- but LESS
freedom -- they're really "wars on freedom" & they're working effectively.

So, by these definitions (does anyone find any of 'em incorrect?) USA is
currently a Democratic Fabian Fascist state.  Ugly but accurate.  :-(

.'ealth, ;'appiness & freedom to y'all,
