>>>>A few days ago, I developed a "floater" in one of my eyes.  I'm wondering if
>>>>it has come about because of some deficiency in my diet.

Susan (of Canada) wrote:

>My floaters disappeared completely when I took gluten out of my diet.

Thanks for your feedback, Susan.

How interesting!  I'm glad to hear that dietary control has gotten rid of a
floater in at least one person!

I don't think there has been any gluten in my diet since I went all raw,
three and a half months ago.  (I have eaten cooked quinoa and cooked beans
in the last two days -- well after the floater appeared -- thinking my diet
might be deficient in some nutrients they contain.)  I'm avoiding wheat and
soy for six months-to-a-year, hoping I can overcome my allergies to them.
In my case, I don't see how gluten could be causing my floater.  It must be
something else.
