Bob Wynman:
>Many thanks for the excellent presentation of why & what supplements you're
>using.  Have you given any thought to supplementing your magnetic energy?
> According to NASA, the earth's magnetic field is currently 4.5 gauss & 4,000
>years ago it was 4 gauss & it's decreasing by 5% per century.  According to
>some researchers, living things perform all functions better & live longer in
>a stronger magnetic field.  Info?

>Also, Frederick, many thanks for your long list of causes of diseases + Mann
>on cow milk.  I agree with all, of course & can only think of one other
>likely cause of disease/premature death: inadequate biomagnetic energy,
>causing lack of body's astrocytes' ability to create adequate "nerve energy",
>leading to ennervation, toxicosis & all the steps of the disease processes
>known to Natural Hygienists.  I've forwarded that list to Bob Avery & hope he
>prints it in the 8/97 Natural Health M2M with mucho credits to you.  Again,
>thank you.

Bob Avery is welcome to publish it.

Ten days ago I started an extensive course of testing,
including Heart Rate Variability, blood & urine composition,
and electrical stimulation of acupuncture points relating to
all important organs.  I'm also taking a range of homeopathic
remedies to strengthen a number of areas.

After ten days there's a definite increase in energy.
Yesterday at the gym I "climbed 138 floors" in 12 minutes
on the Stairmaster.  I was less tired afterward, compared
to my previous record of 127 floors.  This morning I did
18 pushups -- previous record 15 -- had been stuck at a
threshhold of 13 for about a week.

This weekend I'll test my favorite "power hike" -- two-
and-a-half miles up a mountain; 2,000 ft climb -- some
parts are treacherously steep and slippery.  According
to the hiking literature it's a 5-hour round trip.  My
record up is 1hr 17 mins; down, 1hr 7 mins.

However, I know little about biomagnetic energy.  Would
appreciate further info.


Frederick Mann