Hi Ellie,

you wrote:
>I'm trying to stick to mono meals for a while. I can't afford to put a
>variety on my table each day, so I try to choose at the market what I
>will like.

Mono meals are a good idea to go back to the lowest load on digestion.
Investigating the behavior of your intestines then will give you an
idea how good it is. Example: eating fish still gives me strong detox
reactions from time to time. And fish is a monomeal for me mostly. So
from these monomeals I know that there can be trouble and if I make
things a bit more complicated, e.g. by eating veggies afterwards, I
might experience even more trouble. So I know where I am.

Concerning the variety on your table: nobody stated, that you have to
throw away what you don't eat on one day. And of course I would buy
only foods that are at least a bit attractive, so there's chance, that
I can eat them, even if they are not the best choice. That's perhaps
not 100% instincto, but 90% is expensive enough, isn't it? :-)

>Do you find you eat some green veggie nearly everyday? Do you mix nuts
>with legumes? Do you eat honey only at lunch with fruit or could it be
>eaten after protein?

If cucumber counts as a green veggie: yes ;-) If not: no. Then, if
herbs count as green veggies: yes (but for me herbs are herbs).

Mixing nuts with legumes: no. They are both classified as proteins.
I don't say it doesn't work for you. It   c a n   . But it is not reco-
mended by the menu plan and my experience was always bad with such com-
binations (although I certainly did not try them all - I was tired of
the bad results and gave up).

Honey: if good, this is the finish of my lunch, like durian or jack-
fruit. I consider these three to be the nicest foods to be eaten at
the end of your noon meal (but only one of them at one meal). So I
eat honey after fruits - right. And    n o t    after protein (this
is a sugar/protein-combination: bad).

Exceptions: honey plus bee pollen should be eaten as a monomeal at
noon, because pollen is classified as protein. Now I hear you ask:
isn't this another example of a sugar/protein-combination? Sure! But
this one ocurred frequently in nature because a honeycomb often is
filled with honey and pollen.
Likewise you can drink coconut juice (sugar) and eat the flesh toge-
ther with it (protein).
And durian + durian cores, rambutans + rambutan cores, peaches
+ the core (if you like hydrogenic acid), watermelon including its
small cores, etc.
All these are natural combinations. But pistachios + honey are not.
Hope I made this issue clear. If not: ask for more!

Cortex-combined wishes,
