In a message dated 97-07-25 06:23:17 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Paul Getty)

<< The trouble with this kind of debate is that, no matter which regimen is
 better, the regimen that wins is the one which has the advocate with the
 best speaking and debating skills. >>

I'd like to think I can distinguish between content and style, at least
sometimes.  I certainly have had to exercise that skill recently on some
postings on this list!

Who cares who "wins"?  I have no interest in pursuading other people; my
interest in witnessing such a debate is to inform ME.  I would very much like
to see experts from the opposing sides forced to discuss the SAME DATA.  It
seems to me that if each side is permitted to choose half the data to be
debated, and must share it well in advance with the other side, it might be
quite informative.
