> Interesting thought. I think that maybe a more obvious explanation
> would be that dairy foods are very concentrated foods and that I

No. If they had enough protein or whatever, then the fish just wouldn't
smell at all. But like Stefan said, it smells disgusting or even awkward
to them.

And there seems to be no possibility at all to get milk and dairy
products in the nature.

> on to this list. Anyhow, I have decided to cut down a bit on the dairy

I am just doing the same with nuts and have already done so with avocados.
I ate so much of them that I was blocked against RAF and fish. So I ate
only fruits or vegetables for some days. And with success. Just yesterday
I could eat some tuna, it tasted well.

I also noted that I got problems with my left knee when I ate (to much?)
nuts the evening before a large hiking trip. We were hiking again yesterday
(Saturday) and I ate only fruits or vegetables the two days before. This
time I had no knee problems. I will follow these ideas further and make
more tests.

> >drying) are con-taining lots of histamine and this may give you a
> Sounds more unpleasant than nice to me.

Stefan is right about the histamine. Most Instinctos I know, including
myself, once had a histamine flush. It is quite thrilling. The pulse gets
high and the head or whole body becomes red. But for Instinctos it last
about half an hour or so. And I know nobody (yet?) who had this flush
