>Zephyr wrote:
>> I like bone marrow a lot too:-)

>Would you describe from which animals and which bones,how you break open,
>etc. and taste changes.

I've eaten cow, deer, lamb, and in a fassion tuna marrow (2 "r"'s).  Most
marrow I've had comes from the larger O bones. that are almost the
diameter of a quarter.  The deer bones are thinner.  Once I bought marrow
bones separately.  The tuna marrow requires a lot of breaking and
sucking.  I guess it's more like spinal fluid there.  Taste change is
ussually over-richness.  Sometimes blandness.  I ussually just push the
marrow out of the bone with my finger and then maybe scrape the inside
with a knife if I didn't get it all out.

That's about it.
