> Liane <[log in to unmask]>:
> >So, which foods have fatty acids?

> Tom:
> The high fat diet you refer to above is known as ketogenic diet. There is
> at least 1 book on the subject, and also a web site on the topic (use a
> search program to find the web site - the site  might have info on books as
> well). Ketogenic diet is very high in fat, mostly animal foods (cooked).
> You might be able to do a raw version by eating raw animal foods (e.g.,
> instincto), or by having a raw vegetarian diet that includes a lot of raw
> cheese, dairy, avocados, raw oils, sesame, and other fatty raw foods.

> P.S. flaxseeds have a lot of fatty acids, but they are also quite laxative.

Tom, do you think it would do me any good to eat lots of sesame seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and nuts like almonds & hazelnuts? I
hear they are high in fat, so I am wondering about that.
