Judy Pokras <[log in to unmask]>:
>Have you ever made potato "chips" using a dehydrator?  I haven't tried this
>yet, but it seems like an idea...
>I could slice the potatoes to be very thin, then add celtic sea salt.
>I'm curious to hear your results, technique...(temperature and time)

A number of SF-LiFE members make chips from sweet potatoes, by slicing
them thin, adding sea salt (or kelp powder) and spices, then drying them
in a dehydrator. Some of them are quite tasty. The method should work
with regular, "white" potatos - but I wonder how it would taste? If you
experiment and get a good recipe for white potato chips, you might want
to post it here.

Pardon me for doing another followup on my reply post. However, the idea
came to me regarding white potato chips: if such chips don't taste good,
you might try marinating the thin potato slices in water (with spices and
seasonings), then dehydrating them. That would increase drying time, but might
get the spices into the center of the chip. If you try it, please let us know
how it works for you.

Tom Billings
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