Hi Bob,

you wrote:
>How 'bout the physical stickiness of stuff like dates that adheres the
>sugar to the teeth so many 20-min cycles of bacterial processing of
>sugar to acid can happen over & over before the gunk finally dissolves
>away?  Any validity?

Sure valid. But this is not the only mechanism. Calcium of your bones
can also be bound. Maybe the body goes for the stores of calcium and
it's pure chance that the teeth also are the locality where the dates

>>A detox therapy failed because the gold fixes the amalgam. This statement
>>came from me, Zephyr cited it.  Yes, it's known, that application of gold
>>after drilling out amalgam  fillings of your teeth fixes the remaining
>amalgam in your jaw and even in your head (brain!)

>Stefan, Is this info from Zephyr?  source?  What does "application of
>gold after drilling out amalgam fillings" mean?  hammering in pure gold
>foil? Spraying on a mist of AuCl?  bonding/cementing a gold crown, onlay,
>inlay? Please clarify.  I don't understand what you're saying here.

The info about amalgam is from me. I have different books about dental
amalgam, removement, detoxification by medical treatment etc. But these
are german books. Mr. Max Daunderer, a famous german toxicologist wrote
one of them. He is living and practising in Munich. (No use of contac-
ting him. I tried it without success. He's overworked. Everybody wants
to contact him.) The other authors will be unknown outside of Germany.

"Application of gold after drilling out amalgam fillings" means:
You drill out the amalgam fillings. Afterwards (immediately or within
the near future) you put in gold. It doesn't matter, which kind of
applications you use: hammering in gold, putting in an inlay/onlay etc.
The fact, that it contains gold is what counts here. The metal gold
attracts the metal mercury and hinders it from being removed from your

>>Amalgam sticks to gold. Dentists use this effect and sometimes wear a
>>thin foil of gold exposed to the air of their working rooms. The amalgam
>>in the air sticks to the foil and you can measure the amount of air
>>pollution by this.

>Stefan, WHAT dentists wear a thin film of gold?  Can you list some I
>could contact?  Gold foild mercury vapor analyzers work as you're
>describing. They're used a lot around here (Nevada gold fields &
>refining workplaces) to analyze the air & we've sent folks who question
>that Hg escapes from their teeth while chewing to a gov't office in
>Carson City, NV to breathe into the Hg vapor analyzer & be told that
>if their mouths were workplaces, the agency would shut them down as
>unsafe.  BUT, dentist wearing gold foil to protect themselves from Hg?
>Please document, clarify.  I don't unnerstan!. --Bo7b

I read about the dentists who wear a foil of gold in one of those german
books. I don't know names. I would guess that there are dentists in the
U.S. who have enough knowledge about amalgam and also are doing measure-
ments of the pollution in their rooms - perhaps by other means.
Wearing the gold foil is for measurement only. It doesn't protect you.
People with amalgam fillings permanently are intoxificated with the in-
gredients of amalgam (copper, zinc, silver, mercury, ...). The more
fillings and the higher their surface, the worse the intox.

I read in posts to veg-raw that the NH M2M has one old issue treating
amalgam. This is a source you will be able to get via Chet Day.
Also there are several pages in the web dealing with amalgam. Use a
search machine to get them.

Best instinctive wishes,


E-Mail: Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>