<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,
This is really of interest to those who would (too easily) fall
asleep during the day or required above average amounts of sleep
before starting the gf diet.

I'd like to try to find out if we (the "sleepers") generally do not
show some particular "classic" CD symptoms (like being underweight)
and were diagnosed unnecessarily late (which was the case with me).
Perhaps a table-format is simplest. Replies could be posted to the
list or to me. I will post the results to the list:

Symptoms before gf diet began:

Age when symptoms first appeared
Hours of sleep usually reqd:       (in one sleeping session or more?)
Hours of sleep when very ill:      (in one sleeping session or more?)
Able to fall asleep anywhere?
Weight: (Under/ about right/ overweight)
Signs of a poor immune system?
Lack of energy?
DH as well?
Did the blood test show positive?
Did you have a biopsy?
Was the possibility of CD first suggested by self or by doctor?
Did your doctor treat you for something else completely? How long?
Length of time with symptoms until diagnosis/self discovery?

Response to gf diet:
Any of the above symptoms still present?
Any long-standing infections (eg sinus) cleared?
Weight: (Under/ about right/ overweight)
Have you changed your doctor (only joking!)

Thanks for your co-operation
Muiris in Dublin, [log in to unmask]