<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you each one who took the time to answer my Q about that
disgustingly sweet cerael that kids apparently love.

As of this moment, I have received 12 responses (!). The answers were

6 specifically stated that they noticed no reaction in their children
who consumed them. 4 expressed reservations about the food colors and 2
of those also noted a change in stool color (!!!) probably from all
those flavors and colorings, but it was nothing to be concerned about
-- unless you have an ADD or hyperactive child who could be affected by
them, but not by any gluten content.

2 people simply said that it was GF without calling, (perhaps going on
some other information?).

Now this is the confusing part:
4 people actually called Post ceraels and got through to a human being.
2 got an unhelpful or non-committal answer about not being able to
guarantee GF status because of suppliers and the production line.
BUT 2 people got it straight from the company that the cerael IS GF,
and one of those also has a list from a Celiac group listing it in
their permitted foods.

One person also mentioned as a caution that "cross contamination and
the unspecified flavours like barley malt could be used in the natural
flavour as a hidden ingredient".

As one of the respondants said: "Clear as mud". Well, I will try it
since my son really likes it and no children seem to react badly to it.
As for the ADD, I will keep a watch to see how he is affected.

Again, thanks for the responses. You all are great.

Sharon Marcus
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