<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>After reading the expert posting archives, I have questions about selective
>IgA deficiency.  Has anyone on this list had experience with this?  My
>serum antibody tests were very low although I sure have enough celiac
>symptoms and a historically good response to a g-f diet (yes, one set of
>the tests was done after a lengthy gluten challenge)...

There are various serum antibody tests for CD. Some of these tests are more
specific than others. Even low levels of these specific marker antibodies are
of great significance in the diagnosis of CD.

The incidence of IgA deficiency in patients with CD is more common than in
the normal population. Studies of IgA levels in the blood are used to
determine IgA deficiency. If it is found that a patient is IgA deficient,
further steps can be taken to assure accurate diagnosis: Celiac patients with
IgA deficiency still make antibodies of the IgG class and can be diagnosed

Please check with your doctor concerning the significance of your results.

Vijay Kumar