Dear Ellie,

>Or by being deficient in nutrients thereby triggering the imprints of
>past traumas/deprivations.
>>They are an indication that emotions have been repressed and want
>>out. Emotions are stored as endogenous chemicals in the brain and
>>cause toxicosis.

Hi Ellie,
A few thoughts questions for you. Not on the raw foods.
Do you think that the stagnant emotions/endogenous chemicals can be stored
in areas other that the brain? Gerda Boyesen and Centre in her name in
London feels they are in the intestines, too. A NYTimes article 1/23/96
also had latest research on intestines and stated they had their own
emotional center.
Is your work exclusive to the brai?.
I feel I have had brain "damage" from early abusive toilet training and
ensuing constipation. I am recovering slowly as I do more living foods,
fluids, exercise, and the best I can to heal emotionally and mentally. Part
of the damage is from the emotional trauma, part from the toxins
circulating from constipation.
Any thoughts,

Always interested in Intestinal Health and Colon Hydrotherapy issues.