I have to put my two cents on this issue.  My son has major milk allergy.
 And gluten intolerance.  I still have problems with him even after
eliminating all milk and gluten.  I tried breast feeding him, he even got
sick from it.  I eliminated milk and gluten from my diet even, and he still
had problems.  He was losing weight because everytime I fed him he would
throw it right back up, he screamed from the pain and had eczema really bad.
 The dr. put him on Nutramiagen, and he did okay.  He still always has loose
stools, but he stopped throwing up and started to grow some.  He is still
rather small, but okay.  He is almost 2 .  Unlike you all, I was advised to
start solids early, because he couldnt keep formula down that well.  He ate
alot of rice cereal and it did help him grow at laast, he still loves it.
   I know this does not help anyone, but I wanted to tell my experence with

My thoughts,