> Dear Harry:
>         How can there be any fair system of money balance in this country when =
> our own Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal Government? Have you =
> read  Eustace Mullins book on the Secrets of the Federal Reserve?   =
> --------    Charlotte
To the best of my knowledge, Eustace Mullins is a neo-nazi kook, author of
such lovely books as _The Jewish War Against the Christian World_ and
_Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick_. I fail to see what relevance a conspiracy
mongering nutcase's theories about the fed reserve have to do with any
meaningful discussion on this list.

In Solidarity,

Peter Stone
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P.S. I mean no offense to anyone on the list--unless there are neo-nazis on
this list. They can go fuck themselves for all I care.